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The Corporate Referee
About The Corporate Referee (Scrum Master)
Salary w/Bachelors Degree: $70 - $115 Per Hour
Salary without Bachelors Degree: $50 - $75 Per Hour
Has the competence to communicate in a clear and concise manner
Always identifies ways to unify the his/her team
Known to be 'The Motivator'
The Clarifier
About The Clarifier (Product Leader)
Salary w/Bachelors Degree: $80 - $150 Per Hour
Salary without Bachelors Degree: $50 - $80 Per Hour
Has the competence to translate 'Client Asks' to 'Money Concepts' in a clear and concise manner
Owns the responsibility of generating Powerful Roadmaps for his/her team
Known to be 'The Voice of the Client'